The Best Tennessee Tri-Cities Mom Blogs and Meetups

As a Johnson City, TN orthodontist, Dr. Sturgill meets a lot of moms who are either accompanying their kids at appointments or receiving treatment themselves.

That’s not to mention the Sturgill Orthodontics team members who are parents too. As such, we hear about some really great Tennessee Tri-Cities mom blogs and meetups and we’re sharing.

Here’s our guide to blogs and groups for Johnson City, Bristol and Kingsport moms (thanks for choosing us as your Kingsport Orthodontist!)

Tennessee Tri-Cities Mom Blogs

  • Macaroni Kid Tri-Cities – Macaroni Kid isn’t one of those typical Tennesse Tri-Cities mom blogs; it’s a comprehensive resource for all parents in the area. It features advice, articles, giveaways and event calendars filled with ideas for family fun. The publisher, Amanda Hollifield, is a mom of two who was born and raised in Johnson City so she’s really knowledgeable about what’s happening in the Tri-Cities TN/VA area.
  • TheHomeSchoolMom – TheHomeSchoolMom, started by Mary Ann Kelly, a mother from Virginia, is for moms across the country, however, there are a ton of resources for Tri-Cities homeschool moms including field trip ideas and details on local support organizations. The blog is a wealth of information covering everything from writing prompts to coping with stress.

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Tennessee Tri-Cities Mom Groups and Meetups

  • Kindermusik Classes – Okay, so technically, this isn’t a Kingsport moms group. However, Kindermusik classes with Ms. Rachel and friends are an excellent way to bond with your kiddo, have fun and socialize with other moms. They offer parent-child music classes for little ones newborn through age seven. The curriculum is created by childhood development experts, so as a bonus, your child will learn important lessons and tap into their creativity.
  • Storytimes – Storytimes at the library are another good way to meet moms and keep babies, toddlers and preschoolers entertained and engaged. Plus, they’re free! These child and mommy meetups in Bristol, Kingsport and Johnson City are complete with stories, songs, games and more. The Bristol Public Library hosts story time on Mondays at 11:30am and Tuesdays at 10am in the Children’s Department. The Johnson City Public Library has a slew of storytimes including Mother Goose Storytime for parents and babies (newborn through 18 months), Toddler Time and Evening Preschool Storytime. The Kingsport Public Library also has a range of programs such as Preschool Storytime, Lapsit Storytime and Time for Two’s Storytime.

Moms, if your child or teen needs braces or Invisalign, contact us today. We’d love to help.